Saturday, July 23, 2011

Greater Los Angeles Spinning Guild

I finally took the opportunity today to join my third guild. I was really looking forward to my first meeting at the Greater Los Angeles Spinning Guild even though I did not know what the program would be. To my happy surprise it was a fiber tasting. The presenter offered up 10 different types of fiber with several different kinds of preparations to try out. I got to try some fiber that might have taken me years to get around to trying otherwise. Such a great opportunity.

The fibers are as follows... Starting on the top row on the left we have #1 - Silk Hankies #2 - Carbonized Bamboo #3 - Optim (Chemically treated Merino) #4 - Wensleydale #5 - Rameldale Roving Second row starting on the left #6 - Alpaca/Shetland Rolag #7 - Cotton Puni #8 - Loose Cashmere #9 - Merino, Cashmere, Nylon Roving #10 - Cotton, Merino, Tensil Batt.

Funny how fiber can just open up your world to new possiblities!

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