Saturday, August 6, 2011

India has been introduced to Harry Potter

A couple of weeks ago when the final movie of the Harry Potter series came out I started to think about whether or not I would go and see it in the theater.

I own and have read all of the books and I have the entire series on CD as well. So in order to get myself into the mood for one more movie I decided to listen to the books in the car when I run around every day. India is with me and has now become a fan. I was planning on not introducing her to Harry Potter until she was 11 and then letting her read and see one book each year so that she could grow up with Harry. Well, I suspected that I would not succeed at this and I was right.

India is in to Harry Potter. We have been spending the weekend having a Harry Potter film festival. I was worried that she would be afraid of the movies but since she has already been listening to the stories on CD it seems to have taken the scary out of the movies. She knows a bit more about the characters and watching them in the comfort of your living room is much different than seeing them for the first time in a dark theater.

Now I will just have to put up with her bugging me until the last movie comes out on DVD.

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