Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Playing Fair

Well here it is. I am finally letting myself write a bit more of a philosophical blog post.

Through a conversation with my husband tonight on the merits of what we were viewing on the evening news. I was reminded of a frustration that I have with the leadership that we have throughout our world. This is not just our politicians or our bosses. It is all of us. You know, the "adults".

As a parent I take my child to the playground. I help her get through her issues with other kids. Tell her how to play fair, say she's sorry (even if it was not her fault), teach her to tell the truth, care about others who are different than her. You know all of those things we teach our kids but often fail to do our selves.

I teach her these things and then I have to explain to her that she will get more responsibilities in life as she shows she can be more responsible. Then she looks around and sees many adults behaving worse than the biggest brat on the play ground. What's up with that!

I watch the news and it is just one big "he said she said" spat. Why should I pick up my toys Johnny doesn't have to pick up his toys. You know the drill. Anyway, the whole point of this post tonight is just a reminder to myself and those around me that maybe before we open our mouths we should think about what our Mom or Dad would have told us was the right thing to say. Remember that life really is one big playground and none of us can have a good time if we aren't willing to play fair, accept our failures, and try again.

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