Wednesday, August 3, 2011

One Butt Kitchen

What is a "One Butt Kitchen" you might ask? It is the term that my Grandmother Kariher used to describe a kitchen that can only hold "One Butt" at a time. I have had one of these types of kitchens since 2000. My husband and I are just now starting to be able to occupy the space together but not without some frustration.

I love to cook so in order to cook in my tiny kitchen I have had to find ways to make every inch of space work for me. I would always be frustrated by trying to keep a cookbook open on the small counter and try to cook at the same time without getting all kinds of schmutz on the book.

My remedy for that is to take recipes that I enjoy making and type them up on a sheet of typing paper. I slip them into a plastic sleeve and keep them in a three ring binder. I can organize my favorite recipes then just the same as you would in your old fashioned recipe file but with more space for information. Then when I want to make the dish I just put them on a chip clip and hang them from a little nail that is under my cupboard door. It is out of the way and right at my line of sight. I actually have a couple of nails because sometimes you need more than one recipe out at the same time.

This space saving method has led me to look for other ways to deal with my small space. Thinking vertical is one of the first things I do to help deal with these issues.

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