Saturday, August 13, 2011

Weft Face Weave

A little over a year ago I aquired my first loom. It is a very well loved two harness table loom. When I got it, it already had some warp left on it that I finished up into a table runner using some yarn that I had on hand. Almost imediately I wanted to do something more than a tabby weave.

I started exploring the idea of a weft faced weave and this is what I have been working on. My ultimate goal is that this will become a shoulder bag and I will probably do the strap on my inkle loom. I also am planning on putting some torchon bobbin lace on it as well for some different texture. Who knows how it will end up but I am having a good time working with some new techniques and mixing the media up.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

That looks great!